This one year homebrewing challenge is now past the halfway point of its second year. The Jar of Destiny has all the beer styles – all of them – and we each pick one at random for our next brewing adventure. With the seventh pick of the series, what beer styles did we get this time?

The 7th Pick from The Jar of Destiny

Our Picks

We went back to the Jar to give us guidance. Here’s what it gave us:

4A. Munich Helles

John seems to be on the Jar’s lager track. After getting German Pils last time, it’s back to the research of pale lagers. Even though he has enjoyed many pints of this style, he doesn’t know that much about the specifics of the style. This pick will be an enlightening one.

20C. Imperial Stout

To Mike’s delight, he gets to brew a big stout in the summer time. With only three months to turn a beer around, he’s already started to source ingredients to get a really big beer ready for us to review in September.

Hope you are digging the series. If you need to get caught up, here are all the links. All of them:

Check out the First Pick and the start of it all!
Check out the Second Pick
Check out the Third Pick
Check out the Fourth Pick
Check out the Fifth Pick
Check out the Sixth Pick

Links To The Jar of Destiny Series Results
Check out the British Strong Ale post
Check out the Black IPA post
Check out the International Amber Lager post
Check out the Belgian Tripel post
Check out the Double IPA post
Check out the Kölsch post
Check out the English IPA post
Check out the Wood-Aged Beer post
Check out the Belgian Golden Strong Ale post
Check out the American Amber Ale post
Check out the German Pils post
Check out the Brett Beer post
Check out the Munich Helles post
Check out the Imperial Stout post
Check out the Foreign Extra Stout post
Check out the Belgian IPA post
Check out the Eisbock post
Check out the Czech Dark Lager post
Check out the California Common post
Check out the American Light Lager post

Brew on!