We are in the second year of the Jar of Destiny. The fifth picks were made at the beginning of 2023 and the beers are now ready. First up, a beer style known for its sneaky high alcohol content. It’s also known for its pale color, effervescent carbonation, fruit and spice flavor notes, and crisp, dry finish. Behold, it’s our take on the Belgian Golden Strong Ale (BJCP 25C)!

The Jar of Destiny challenges and inspires us to brew a Belgian Golden Strong Ale

Belgian Golden Strong Ale Recipe

JAR of DESTINY – BJCP Style 25C – Belgian Golden Strong Ale

Recipe for 5 US Gallons

9 gallons Spring water

11 pounds of Dingemans Pilsner Malt (5 kg – 100% of the bill) 

2.5 ounces (71 g) of Saaz Hops at 4.5% AA boiled for 75 minutes

3 pounds of table sugar (1.4 Kg) added for the last 15 minutes of the boil

2 packets of Wyeast 1388 Belgian Strong Ale


Mashed at 150 °F  (66 °C) for 90 minutes

Boiled for 75 minutes

Fermented for 2 weeks – started at 62°F (17° C) 

 — Then, slowly raised the temperature to finish out at 82°F (28° C)

Cold Conditioned for 2 weeks at 34°F (1° C)

Added 1 tsp of gelatin to ¾ cups (180 ml) to clear

Bottled with 7 ounces (200 g) of corn sugar with LalBrew CBC-1 yeast. 

Stored bottles at 75°F (24° C) for 2 weeks


Original Gravity: 1.074

Final Gravity: 1.009

ABV: 8.53%

Our JoD Tasting Notes

So, on the appearance, I got it crystal clear with the help of gelatin and cold conditioning. The yeast is pretty stubborn and did not want to fall out so some finings are needed.

The aroma has fruity notes alongside some spicy notes from the yeast and hops. In the flavor, all of these components shine with a really dry finish. With all table sugar, the body is very light.

It’s deceivingly easy to drink. All pear and apple notes make you want to drink more and more.

Mike really liked this one. You should give it a try.

Brew On!

Links To The Jar of Destiny Series Results
Check out the British Strong Ale post
Check out the Black IPA post
Check out the International Amber Lager post
Check out the Belgian Tripel post
Check out the Double IPA post
Check out the Kölsch post
Check out the English IPA post
Check out the Wood-Aged Beer post
Check out the Belgian Golden Strong Ale post
Check out the American Amber Ale post
Check out the German Pils post
Check out the Brett Beer post
Check out the Munich Helles post
Check out the Imperial Stout post
Check out the Foreign Extra Stout post
Check out the Belgian IPA post
Check out the Eisbock post
Check out the Czech Dark Lager post
Check out the California Common post
Check out the American Light Lager post