The Homebrew Jar of Destiny series continues with the third pick of the year. What does the Jar have in store for us this time around? Watch as we choose our fates at random for our forced education of beer styles.
You Never Know What You’re Gonna Get
The idea is simple – put all the recognized beer styles in a jar and choose one to brew. We planned to do four rounds of this series and we’re on number 3. Here are the beers we selected for this round.
5B. Kölsch
When I saw the wooden nickel, I was a little disappointed since I know this style well. That doesn’t mean I can brew an excellent version of it. The challenge of this pick is to learn how to nail all right characteristics and make a worthy version.
22A. Double IPA
Again, we feel like we have a good understanding of this style too. I mean, we starting drinking beer in the 1990s. The American Double IPA was all around us and we consumed many. I think Mike will do a good job of doing the research and brewing up an excellent beer.
We plan to have these beers ready for September so keep an eye out for the post in a couple of months.
Check out the British Strong Ale post
Check out the Black IPA post
Check out the International Amber Lager post
Check out the Belgian Tripel post
Check out the Double IPA post
Check out the Kölsch post
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