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Scottish Heavy 70 Shilling Ale Recipe

After a summer or so of brewing German styles, I think it’s time to move on to Scottish ales. The Scottish Heavy or 70 Shilling or 70/- ale will be a good starting point for me.

This is a simple recipe with an added component to the brew day. Following an all grain procedure, I will boil the first gallon of runnings off of the mash for an hour and then add the rest of the first runnings/sparge to make a full boil for a 5 gallon batch size.


8 pounds of Maris Otter malt
2.5 ounces Roasted Barley
.75 East Kent Goldings Hops – full wort boil for 60 minutes
Yeast: Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale


Mash at 154°F. Drain first gallon of runnings from mash and boil for one hour in kettle. Near the end of the boil, add remaining runnings to the boil. Sparge until you get 6.5 gallons for another 60 minute boil. Add hops when the wort comes to a boil again. Chill to 65°F and ferment at that temperature for two weeks. Bottle/keg and let age for a month before serving.

Projected Results:

Original Gravity: 1.038
Terminal Gravity: 1.012
Color: 13.23 °SRM
Bitterness: 17.5 IBUs
Alcohol (%volume): 3.3 %

See the eerily similar 60 Shilling ale recipe here.


Hoppy Press


Doppelbock Recipe


  1. I’ve got a better idea for you. You’re going to be boiling for two hours. Why not boil that first gallon of runnings in a separate kettle concurrently with the other runnings? Surely you have a second brew pot and burner for that first gallon? Use the kitchen stove. You’ll cut an hour off your brew day, and get better hop utilization in the bigger boil due to the lower original gravity–not that you need it, Scottish brews are more lightly hopped. Still, you will save time and hops. You might have to run off a little extra wort for the big boil, both boils will evaporate faster due to the lesser volume to surface ratio.

  2. chris

    You’ll have to wreck your efficiency to only get 1038. Maris Otter is a beast for converting those starches. I got 1044 from 6.5lb maris otter and 0.5lb torrified wheat (making a mild)……I was quite shocked.

  3. @Señor Brew™ Saving time is a big priority. I could probably borrow Mike’s burner for the session and cut the time I would need to go back and forth from the kitchen to my brew setup outside. Plus the higher BTUs would ensure a vigorous boil.

    @chris Hmm. Maybe I should do the opposite of what is listed in this post? https://www.brew-dudes.com/improving-mash-efficiency/345

    I guess I don’t need to use Maris Otter.

  4. chris

    No everything seems fine, I was just absolutely stunned that I got so much yield from Maris Otter. I use it all the time (I’m British) but the last batch I made converted amazingly well. I’d work with what you are familiar with and see where you end up. I think i saw a big inter batch variation with the malt thats all.

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