Have you heard about the White Labs Yeast vault? I recently ordered the New Nordic Yeast Blend WLP611. This week we talk about what I think I may ferment with it and we put the call out to see if anyone in the BrewDudes circle has ordered and tried this yeast blend yet.
The New Nordic Yeast Blend WLP611 is a special blend of three yeasts two Saccharomyces strains and Torulaspore delbrueckii. I came by this interesting combination in the White Labs new yeast vault program. White Labs has decided to open up the bank of yeasts and yeast blend experiments that normally have only been available to limited runs, special customers or appeared as successful experimental strains in their tap/tasting room.
The way the vault works is that White Labs posts strains they think people may be interested in. You pre-order (and pay) to make a commitment to buying a vial of one the strains that you are interested in. Once 250 people commit to purchases that crosses the manufacturing threshold required to go into production. Then within a few weeks after the magical 250 mark, the yeast shows up at your door.
I was very impressed with the whole process. I got several emails regarding my initial purchase. I got great updates regarding the progress of the ‘campaign’. Once it went into production, I think I had my yeast with in a couple weeks. Very cool and very fast. But now….what to do with it.
I am intrigues mostly by two aspect of the blend. First and most obvious the strains were said to have been isolated off of spontaneously fermenting apples off the coast of Denmark! So a cider of some sort is definitely in order. The second thing that has me curious was that the blend is said to produce either Hefeweizen or Belgian Saison flavors depending on temperature of the ferment. No advice was given but I assume the Saison character would come from higher temps. So I am going to go with a Saison/golden Sour Ale like base and ferment high. Maybe 75 for the first few days and then ramp up to 80F for a but until it finishes.
I’ve got my ingredients for the Saison experiment. I haven’t fully sourced my ingredients for the cider yet. So I’ll start with the Saison and it may be just in time as the weather is slowing warming up here in New England.
Have you ordered any New Nordic Yeast Blend WLP611?
If so, what did you brew and how did it come out?
Let us know in the comments or over on our YouTube Channel.
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