Homebrewing Blog and Resource

The hobby of homebrewing beer


While at the ACBF, we visited the White Birch Brewing booth.  They are a very small brewery out of New Hampshire and part of a growing group of start up businesses known as Nanobreweries.  While there is no official definition of a nanobrewery, their output is really small (less than 7 barrels).

Here is a grand list of nanobreweries across the US.

I read some other articles on the costs, time, energy, and legal stuff that goes into creating a nanobrewery.  From all accounts, the odds are stacked against you to make the operation profitable.

Although I like keeping things that I find fun out of my “making a living” bucket (flies in the face of the ‘do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life’ adage, but it works for me), I praise these entrepeneurs’ courage and vision.

Hey Mike, let’s go to Juilo’s.



Target Hops


Yuengling Lager Clone Recipe


  1. Jorge

    Cool… so the difference between a nano brewery and a home brewer basically boils downto nano breweries selling their home brew…

  2. Yeah – and all the legality that goes with selling beer.

  3. Roger that on Julios. Lets set it up.

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