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Milk Stout Recipe

Not sure why I have Milk Stouts on the brain.   🙂

Here’s a simple milk stout recipe.  It is an all grain recipe:


6.5 lbs. English 2-row Pale Malt
0.75 lbs. English Chocolate Malt
1 lbs. American Caramel 80°L Malt
1 lbs. Roasted Barley
1 lbs. Lactose
1 oz. Northern Brewer Pellets boiled 60 min.
0.50 oz. Fuggle Pellets boiled 15 min.
Yeast: White Labs WLP004 Irish Stout


6 gallon boil volume.  5 gallon batch size.

Mash at 154 degrees for 1 hour.

Ferment for 2 weeks at 66 degrees.

Bottle/Condition for 4 weeks.


Original Gravity: 1.051
Terminal Gravity: 1.017
Color: 35° SRM
Bitterness: 32.5 IBU
Alcohol (%volume): 4.5 %


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  1. I just drained my keg of milk/cream stout. The recipe was similar. I followed a suggestion from BYO magazine and pulverized my roasted barley in a coffee grinder. This really increased the roasted barley taste. A bit too much for me, but it added an extra layer to the flavor. I also used 0.75 lbs of lactose. For me, that a bit low. I normally use 1 lb which is traditionally a lot, but I like it.

  2. Aaron

    1 lb is the figure I hear most often as the baseline for milk stouts.

  3. Hey guys, I finally have my pics up at my blog of my mash tun set-up. You can check out at finalgravity.blogspot.com


  4. Marcus,

    Looks good.


  5. Yeah, I will probably add a pound of lactose. Thanks Aaron.

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