The Brew Dudes have a twitter account – – and we use it occasionally.
Now I know some people use it all the time, but we put all our free time and energy into this blog rather than microblogging somewhere else.
Without getting into too many shouldas, couldas, and/or wouldas, we do use Twitter to quickly ask questions about homebrewing.
Here was the question I posed last week:
How long does it take a lager to clear? Maibock is still fairly hazy after two weeks. Sorry, patience is lacking.
First response we received was from rvitek and he typed:
my Belgium Triple takes 7 weeks to clear! Well worth the wait.
Second response we got came from FieldpointeBrew and he typed:
Give your Maibock until May and all will be well. Fitting?
Absolutely. As a brewer, I have never had that much patience. I am just going to chill out on this one.
I haven’t even opened my fridge to look at it in days.
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