Chinook hops are a variety that I would like to use in other American ales. Before I used them, I decided to do some research and put together this profile post.
Origin: America – Developed by a USDA breeding program and released to the public in 1985. It’s a cross between Petham Golding and a USDA-selected male. Grows primarily in the Yakima area of Washington State.
Aroma: Herbal, Smoky, Piney, Floral Some sources said similar to Cascade.
Alpha Acid: 12.5 to 14.0%
Typical Usage: Bittering! Use as an aroma hop is gaining popularity. There were some warning of harsh bitterness with overuse. “Catty” was used to described when it was used too much.
Beer Styles: Sources suggested 60 minutes boil for low bitterness beers. Apparently this variety is used in Arrogant Bastard Ale. I think it would be good in American style ales…as a bittering hop for pales, ambers, and browns. Probably would work well in stouts and porters.
I’ve had the Arrogant Bastard fact, i own the neon clock
Good brew..and yes the aroma of the hops are present..tho not strong like your heavier IPA’s
Anyhow..would agree would work in Porters and Stouts too, tho one would have to be careful not to offset the over point of these styles.
I planted chinook this year in my garden. I hope it works I want that fresh bitter you only kind find in a fresh Green hoped beer
A Growing Garden
Love this site! I look forward to more!
Thanks – we will keep writing posts.
My Chinooks grow well in Ohio. They get a good view of the sun…
My first year plant grew very well east of Sacramento in 100F+ temp days. Hops were harvested on 8/8/2017. The first year resulted in 2.25 gallon vacuum sealed in mason jars. I kept them as whole as possible. My neighbor smelled them at the time of harvest and thought they had a subtle smell of cannabis.
Thanks – I got my second year Chinooks bursting at the top of the bines running up the side of my house, full of very large cones. They got a lot of rain and sun this year. I plan to harvest this weekend and hope they really smell dank.