The quest continues for new bittering hops.
This time around: Newport Hops
They are the newest “to the market” hop variety that I have encountered. They were released in 2002 and they were originally bred and tested in 1996.
Newport hops were bred as a potential replacement to Galena based on their resistance to mildew. They are resistant to two strains in particular. They were developed at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) at Corvallis, OR.
Their parentage includes:
- Brewers Gold
- HallertauerMittelfrüh
- Late Grape
- Belgium 31
- Fuggles
- Unknown
Origin: Oregon – USA
Aroma/Flavor: Mild aroma. Fairly pungent, resiny flavor.
Alpha Acid: Huge range – 9.8% to 17% (!)
Typical Usage: Bittering
Beer Styles: BYO’s profile said “Any”. If it was bred to be a replacement for Galena, then maybe that statement is true.
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