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Millennium Hops

As I was looking for other new, American bittering hops, I found one variety called Millennium hops.  Millennium is the product of a cross breeding of Nugget and Columbus hops in 1989.  It was made publicly available in the year 2000.   As it is the case for a great number of new varieties, Millennium hops were bred for commercial goals including higher tolerance to mildew, higher cone production per acre, and higher storage capabilities than other, older American bittering hop varieties.  These goals all make sense for hop growers trying to maximize their efforts for the larger breweries.   For the homebrewers, it gives us the chance to brew with more varieties of hops.

Origin: Pacific Northwest – United States

Aroma: From the sources I read, Millennium hops are very similar to Nugget hops in aroma and flavor.  Some descriptors included floral, resiny, and a bit spicy/herbal.  I should probably write a profile on Nugget hops soon.

Alpha Acid:  14.5 – 16.5%

Typical Usage: Bittering mostly.

Beer Styles: Very good bittering hop for American ale styles.


Brewing Update- Snowed in!


Nugget Hops

1 Comment

  1. Selig

    This variety was developed by selective cross-breeding techniques by Gene Probasco at John I. Haas.

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