Well, I was contracted by a guy I work with to make a whole bunch of mead for his wedding. He wants to give out bottle of the honey wine as favors for his guests.

This request is the first that I have received where I have been asked to make a fermentable for gifts. I have long thought of brewing up some strong beers to give out as presents for people I know. Now, I am making gifts for people I do not know, which is a start.

Maybe I will get around to making something for friends and family of my own.

I don’t really know this guy well, but he seems cool and we got to talking about beer and mead. Then, the next thing I know he is asking me if I would make something for his wedding.

SURE! Why not? That’s how these things go.

To make sure he knew what he was getting into and as proof that I could make something that wouldn’t make everyone go blind, I brought in a bottle of mead that I made last year. It was some of the honey wine that I aged on oak for a few months. After a year or so in the bottle, it really cleared out nicely. I remember it tasting very much like a Chardonnay.

Even though I wasn’t there to taste it, he did report back that he and his friends finished the whole bottle and they were very happy with it. I don’t know if that was the mead talking or what, but it was enough for me to get the plan in motion.

I started to price out the bulk honey I would need to buy. He found some bottles he wants to buy for the favors. Now, we need to find a place that does some nice labels. I know I have a few places that I have used in the past. I just need to refer him to those sites and see what he thinks.

The price limit is set at $500. I think we should be able to make 10 gallons of mead for less than that price, don’t you think?

As always, I don’t charge for my wares and I told him it would be a privilege to make something for his wedding. No fee required.