Yesterday while shoveling 20+ inches of snow here in New England, I let my mind drift to brewing to keep myself entertained. I reminded myself of a warming little beverage that Ray Daniels of Designing Great Beers fame has talked about on occasion. Its called a Hot Scotchie. The Hot Scotchie is made by combining your favorite Scotch with some warm fresh wort from your first runnings of the lauter tun during a brew session. Now don’t get your snow pants in a bunch if you don’t do all grain. You can simply pull a mug full of wort from your extract brew pre boil. Try 160-170F or so, like during a mash out. Pre-hopped I’d imagine would be best too.
Sounded like a perfect cure for a cold and over used back after shoveling. Hot Scotchies are the perfect reason to plan an outdoor brew session in the cold of winter. I’ll have to remember to give it a try on my next outdoor brew day.
Now to go pick an adequate Scotch for the occasion.
Señor Brew™
Ray is in my old brew club, CBS (Chicago Beer Society). Great guy. I’ve since moved from the frigid city by the lake, and not to rub it in, but it was 80 and sunny here in Redondo Beach today. Enjoy that snow.
I had my first hot Scotchy yesterday, with the runnings from the Liquid Stoopid, and a 12 year old Glenfiddich. All I can say is wow, pretty unbelievable, you can taste all of the flavors in the scotch. For lack of a better description, it reconstitutes the Scotch, and you can define the vanilla, pear, nut, raisin, oak. tastes that a good scotch carries. This is the only thing I would ever put in my Single Malt, I like mine neat. I can’t believe no one has bottle runnings from brewing beer, and bottled it, for the purpose of mixing it with a good scotch.
This is another great privlidge of being a home brewer, if you havn’t done this yet do it, you owe it to yourself. I wanted to have another one with the finished wort, but I had to pick the kids up from school.
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