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Gose Recipe

The beer world is fired up lately with the Gose style.  Here is our Gose recipe.


3 lbs. Pilsner Malt
6 lbs. Wheat Malt
1.5 lbs. Acidulated Malt
.65 oz. Tettnanger Pellets boiled 60 mins.
1 oz. ground coriander (best to get whole seeds and grind them yourself) boiled 10 mins.
1 oz. sea salt boiled 10 mins.

Yeast: White Labs WLP029 German Ale/ Kölsch Yeast


Original Gravity: 1.047
Terminal Gravity: 1.009
Color: 6.28 °SRM
Bitterness: 13.6 IBUs
Alcohol (%volume): 5.2%


What Malts Need To Be Mashed?


Priming Problem


  1. Keith

    OMFG what’s your mash pH on that? Isn’t there some bacteria involved in a Gose? Lacto or something??

  2. JW

    Are you using the acidulated malt to try mimicking the acidic character that traditionally comes from lacto? If so, it might make the sourness a bit one dimensional, as you’ll be missing the lemon-like sourness typically found in Berliner Weisse.

    Try it out and let us know what happens.


  3. I think that the gose style is something we all are mystified by. I had a good one while in Colorado at the Golden City Brewery. Certainly lacto is probably a good traditional way to get that tart edge. But it shouldn’t be any where near as tart as a Berliner Weisse. I think for a first pass, Acidulated malt is a good way to go, simply for that reason of intensity. Pitching some lacto would push this beer too far into the Berliner range for sourness.
    As far as controlling mash pH you could simply add the acid malt during the sparge or during the final 20 minutes of the conversion rest. That way you won’t mess with your mash pH for the primary portion of conversion.
    This is a beer style I have been interested in and quietly been researching for some time. I have a small bottle of lactic acid that I used to help doctor a berliner weisse that just didn’t sour enough. That may also be a good way to get the slight sour edge without using acid malt or lacto.

  4. Dave

    I am new to home brewing and have used only extracts, and I want to try my hand at brewing this Gose style beer for the summer. I can’t seem to find an acid malt extract for the recipe, so is it reasonable to try brewing with pilsner and wheat extracts and then using the whole grain acid malt?

  5. Jim

    Coriander? That is so interesting! I wonder how it tastes?

  6. Hi Dave,

    I think you should probably wait until you make the jump to all grain for this recipe.

  7. brett

    had a wonderful gose brewed by a buddy. he used lacto and no acid malt.

  8. Ben Dover

    The original Gose was open fermented and had real lacto bacteria in the fermentation process. I’ve had limited exposure to acid malt and sour beers, but there is definitely a difference. Acid malt will give you a fake tasting sour beer in my opinion that doesn’t compare to a lacto fermentation. Doesn’t mean it won’t be good, just won’t be great. If done correctly, you don’t have to wait a year for a good lacto fermentation. Our homebrew club did a BerlinerWeiss tasting and the best ones were only a couple months old.

  9. Josh

    I just wonder why you say to wait for all grain brewing. I do extract at home and all grain when brewing commercially and there is almost no difference for someone doing extract brewing. Recipe just needs a simple conversion and you can still get everything out of it you would get out of the listed recipe.

  10. John

    I am not sure if you will get the acidity you want if you don’t mash the acidulated malt.

  11. Josh

    So one could then do a partial mash recipe without going all grain is what you are saying then?

  12. John

    Yes, try a partial mash.

  13. Peter

    I’ve been brewing my Gose for a few years now . One thing of concern to me was the base malts . As a historical style brewed between 975 to the late 1500s when it was most prevalent the base malt could not have been pilsner . That didn’t come about till the 1600s . There’s also records of being spontaneous fermented and over time got even more sour . So yes the acidulated malt will give a sour tang , but I prefer the natural lactic bacteria .
    As for salts I agree and now disagree . The region of Gose was known for there silver mines and in the process zinc sulfite was leached into there water creating a mineral salty flavor rather than the plain salt of what is thought to be . I now add zinc to mine and mimics a dirtiness that was missing in my older examples . As of lately I’m now looking into other brett to add complexity .
    Hope this helps

  14. brendan

    Hi Peter,
    I am looking at making a Gose that is authentic to the ancient style but haven’t been able to come up with a water profile. You mentioned that you add zinc to your water? What salt do you add for that? Or do you just add some sort of zinc powder???

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