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Brown Porter Recipe

With Autumn on the way, I thought I would post a recipe for the season. This is a nice, smooth drinking, Brown Porter. I am following a partial mash procedure for this brew.


3.5 lbs. English 2-row Pale
3 lbs. Dry Extra Light Extract
4 oz. British Black Patent
5 oz. English Chocolate Malt
2 oz. Crystal Malt 60°L
2 oz. Crystal Malt 120°L
0.6 oz. Northern Brewer Pellets boiled 60 min.
0.5 oz. Fuggles Pellets boiled 15 min.
0.5 oz. Fuggles Pellets boiled 1 min.

Yeast: White Labs WLP005 British Ale

Mash the grains at 152F for 60 minutes. Boil wort for 60 minutes, adding hops in at the times specified above. Add the extract with 15 minutes to go in the boil. Cool the wort to 68F and ferment for 2 weeks.

Original Gravity: 1.047
Final Gravity: 1.011 
Color: 23.99 °SRM 
Bitterness: 26.5 IBUs
Alcohol: (%volume) 4.8 %

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  1. Aaron

    Hah. I was just thinking about brewing one of these the other day, although I was going to try to emphasize caramel as part of the flavor in hopes to imitate Saranac’s Caramel Porter.

  2. Mike

    How about some brown malt in the Brown Porter recipe?
    Brown malt is now becoming more available at some of the online stores. Certainly would add a more authenitic English character to this historically important style.

  3. I am down with the Brown. I would probably replace the Crystal 60 with some brown malt if I find some.

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