The BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) has completed an update to the 2004 style guidelines.
The style guidelines are meant to put some quantitative and qualitative information on each beer style. While some brewers do not like the strict use of style monikers per se; I find that having style guidelines are a beneficial way to communicate beer characteristics.

I think that even the non-brewer would find the style guidelines quite interesting.

After reviewing the new guidelines there aren’t a lot of glaringly obvious changes. However the good folks at the BJCP put together a one paged document that lists the changes quite nicely.

I suggest you go out a download or bookmark a copy for yourself as a reference tool.

You can get to the guidelines through this link (and find the changes document):
BJCP Style Center Web Page

My favorite page is the web “quick index” which you can get to here:
BJCP Web Look Up Page

Now read up on your favorite category and BREW SOMETHING!