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2009 Patriot Homebrew Contest

So because I had a nice sturdy cardboard box and I had seven 12 ounce bottles of my Brown Porter hanging around and it tasted ok when I opened a couple of bottles for the KreamyX experiment….I submitted an entry to Sam Adams’ Patriot Homebrew Contest.

This contest is only open to homebrewers in the 6 New England states and entries must be received by this Friday at 5 PM (12/19/2008) at the brewery.

Last time I took screenshots of my entry…which was probably a bad thing since it ties the entry number to this site.  I wasn’t looking for any favoritism from any judges and certainly was not looking to get disqualified but I am thinking that making my entry number public could look a certain way.

Please note: Nobody from Sam Adams or anywhere else said anything about my posts regarding my entry into the LongShot competition; these are just my own thoughts.

This time around, I think it’s best to reveal as little as possible and take extra steps to play by the rules.

I am looking forward to the feedback.   I will post it when I get it back.  Brew on.


Priming Sugar Experiment Results


Fuggle Hops


  1. Mike

    Are you entering the KreamyX or regular priming sugar bottles in the competition?

  2. KreamyX bottles. I guess I placed my bets at bottling that the KreamyX would perform.

  3. Mike

    You’ve convinced me, I’m going to use KreamyX on my American Wheat this weekend.

  4. Let me know how it turns out. I think another experiment we should conduct is KreamyX vs. Malt Extract vs. Corn Sugar.

    Sounds like a steel cage wrestling match.

  5. Mike

    vs. Carb Tabs vs. everything else (e.g. Molasses, Table sugar, Brown Sugar…)

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